5 Snacks for a Sensitive Stomach – Giftgowns

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5 Snacks for a Sensitive Stomach

Whether you're recovering from a nasty bout of the flu, have a chronic illness like Chron's disease, or are slowly reintroducing foods after being unable to eat, finding foods that are easy on the stomach can be tricky! Bland foods like saltines and soup seem unappealing, and the foods you're craving may make your stomach do summersaults. Having a list of go-to foods for a sensitive stomach is a must, so we compiled a list of our favourites.

1. Applesauce 
When it comes to having a sensitive stomach, applesauce is a fantastic staple to keep around! It's full of antioxidants, plus it's a great snack for when you're on the go. If you're feeling ambitious, try making your own applesauce at home. 

Tip: Avoid buying sweetened applesauce and opt for the unsweetened options, as artificial sweeteners may upset your stomach. 

2. Rice 
Rice is another classic snack for a sensitive stomach and is perfect for those with gluten allergies! If you're thinking rice by itself is a bit too bland, try cooking your rice in some chicken or vegetable broth to add some flavour. Rice noodles are also a great alternative! 

Bonus: If you're feeling up to it, scramble an egg and add it to your rice or rice noodles. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and easy to digest. 

3. Chicken
If you're feeling well enough, plain chicken is an excellent option for those who struggle with a sensitive stomach. It tends to be easy to digest and low in fibre for those who don't need any extra.

Tip: Try adding small pieces of chicken to a bowl of chicken broth before trying to have chicken by itself. 

4. Potatoes 
Potatoes are an excellent, versatile snack for a sensitive stomach and are another naturally gluten-free option. Potatoes are easy to digest and are rich in nutrients like potassium. Try roasting them, baking them or mashing them. The possibilities are endless! 

5. Ice Chips 
Sometimes, when your stomach feels extra sensitive, all you can stomach is water, and that’s ok! But snacking on plain ice chips can be dull. Try snacking on a cup of ice chips with clear fruit juice or an electrolyte drink poured onto them for flavour. If you’re feeling courageous, a popsicle is a great choice too!